Monday, November 20, 2006

Tigers and Wolves

I think the society is composed of few tigers and lot many wolves. The tigers are personalities who live alone,hunt alone, are different from the crowd and always seeks their own path, choose their own destination and dont wait for anybody to cut their path.On the other hand there are wolves who move in packs,kill in packs,stay in packs,share the same booties may be females or maybe hunt,they have hierarchies but still everybody wants and dreams of becoming the Leader and in this chase generally they are always biting and fighting among themselves.But when a tiger comes across a wolfpack he is surrounded and has to make a run because the group instincts of wolves are very strong once in danger whereas never ever do 2 tigers meet front on as they know their capacities to kill and power of dominance.Now comes the fact for the development of society do we need more tigers or more wolves.As quoted by Ayn Rand in FountainHead do we need New thinkers or do we need Second Handlers and how should the balance be maintained among tigers and wolves because the tiger hide is even sought after by hunters.So in effect should a tiger remain a tiger or become a wolf,or die on his own alone parading the forests like noone does.But in the end,with all this loneliness and the fight for survival he dawns the crown of "King of the Jungle" and the wolves are always called "Cunning but ferocious predators".The Tiger gets the crown means surely there has to be something different in him.


Unknown said...

Good Thought....!! I think we need tigers..who can keep the wolves in his control...!! And these qualities are instinctive..n inherant..!! Either u r a tiger or a wolf...n none other than u know it better who u are..!!

ketaki said...

agreed v need tigers but honestly everyone of us has been a wolf sometime or the other........ using instances for our advantage or to gain a better position.v all have been there done tht.according to me being labelled as a tiger or wolf for life isn't depends on the circumstances one faces and how stronger they r to live up to them.if u arn't; u r a wolf for tht point of time n if u r then hail n behold u got urself a tiger.i'd b a fool to say i'm the tiger on the prowl n care peanuts for the wolves around but the truth is i do care coz some where i know tht i have been one of them n the past may b will b one in the future just because the event calls for it.mandar here i'd like to add a little abt the make up article ,n tht is --- a person who can b flexible n mouldable according to situation plus is a fighter in life,has sometime learnt to b so the tough way ,he too has applied some kind of make up along the path even though he may have realized its not meant for him n then he says LET THE WOLVES SCAVENGE,as the TIGER HUNTS,and carries on being the king of the jungle

Anonymous said...

I would say that no one fits in one category. Everyone has enacted each role at different times; in different circumstances.

We need a balance between the two, and actually there are not just these two types that you have depicted, but there are many others who help complete the picture.

A society full of tigers would be a situation out of control where everyone acts on his own instincts and does what he/she feels to prove the title "King of The Jungle". At the other end a society full of wolves would be a chaotic and unorganized situation with everyone doing their own part without understanding the whole situation, depending on others help, etc.

Another thing to understand is that everyone starts as a wolf. Even a tiger when its small is trained. It doesn't know by birth that its a tiger. If you keep it with a bunch of sheep, it will no longer behave as a tiger. (reminds me of an old English movie. I forgot the name guys might help me recollect). A couple is interested in wildlife and they once find a small cub. So they pet it and keep it always with them. Later when it grows they decide to leave it as they have to leave the jungle and go back. However the tiger was not able kill on its prey and did not have those killer instincts. Eventually he died of hunger.

At the end whoever you are, may be out of choice or because you are out of choice (pun intended), you have to struggle. As Thomas Friedman says in his book The World is Flat:

"Every morning in Africa a gazelle wakes up. He knows he must run faster than the fastest lion or he will be eaten. Every morning the lion wakes up. He knows he must run faster than the slowest gazelle or he will starve to death. The moral to this is when you wake up in the morning you better be running."

Anonymous said...

Hmmm....Good thought... though...I really think that there should be a balance of both the species ….One has to know when to act as a wolf and when as a tiger .One has to understand how to strike a balance between both the roles and get ur work done…..For example if ur workin in a team and u always play the role of tiger and try to stand alone , live alone and try to be different then ull be sidelined that is for sure.can bet u on this one.But if the picture is the other way round u try to be a leader and take others team members into confidence and try to be a tiger amongst the wolves, u can have the privilege of being the tiger and still not be alone. I guess everyone wants to make a mark but the only ones to achieve it are those who can strike a perfect balance.